Legislation Tracker
Stay up-to-date on the latest changes to litter, plastic, and environmental policy in the Commonwealth.
Environment Virginia State Director, Elly Boehmer Wilson, testifies in support of HB 228 in the 2024 legislative session. Skip to 2:33:40 to hear her full testimony!
Below are the pieces of legislation that we’re tracking in the 2025 session of the Virginia General Assembly!
HJ 448
Del. Krizek
16th District
Study; Department of Environmental Quality; tax policy options for reforming the litter tax; report. Requests the Department of Environmental Quality to study tax policy options for reforming the litter tax.
This bill was referred to the House Committee on Rules on 1/7/25.
This bill passed the House with substitute language on 2/3/25.
HB 1662
Del. Jones
77th District
Sale and distribution of plastic carryout bags by grocery stores prohibited; civil penalty. Prohibits any grocery store, as defined in the bill, from selling or distributing any plastic carryout bag, as defined in the bill, to its customers on or after January 1, 2027, unless such bag qualifies as an exempt bag, as defined in the bill…The bill also requires any grocery store, no later than January 1, 2027, to develop, implement, and maintain a program to encourage its customers to utilize reusable bags, as defined in the bill.
This bill was originally referred to the House Committee for Courts of Justice. It was reassigned to the ACNR sub: Natural Resources.
The subcommittee laid this bill on the table on 1/29/25.
HJ 446
Del. Feggans
97th District
Zero Waste Awareness Week. Designates the first full week of September, in 2025 and in each succeeding year, as Zero Waste Awareness Week in Virginia.
This bill was referred to the House Committee on Rules on 1/7/25.
This bill passed the House on 2/3/25.
Disposable plastic bag tax; distribution to towns. Provides that any town located within a county that has imposed a disposable plastic bag tax shall receive a distribution of revenues collected by the county based on the local sales tax distribution formula for appropriations to towns. The bill requires that towns use such revenues for the same purposes allowable for a county or city.
This bill passed the House on 1/23/25.
This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Local Government on 1/24/25.
Tire stewardship program established; report. Requires producers of tires sold in the Commonwealth to join a tire stewardship organization on or before January 1, 2027, which must submit a plan to the Department of Environmental Quality for the establishment of an approved tire stewardship program. Such tire stewardship program shall establish a statewide collection system for discarded tires to facilitate higher rates of recycling and resale for such tires. The bill establishes reporting requirements for tire stewardship organizations and provides that the Office of the Attorney General may, at the request of the Department, enforce the provisions of the bill.
Litter Free Virginia is tracking the language of tire “recycling” in this bill (which currently includes incineration, so long as it occurs outside of the Commonwealth). Incineration is not recycling.
This bill was incorporated by ACNR into SB990 (Sen. Williams Graves) on 1/21/25.
Commissioner of Health; work group to study the occurrence of microplastics in the Commonwealth's public drinking water; report. Directs the Commissioner of Health to convene a work group to study the occurrence of microplastics in the Commonwealth's public drinking water and develop recommendations for the reduction of microplastics in the Commonwealth's public drinking water. The bill requires the work group to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Committees on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources and Health and Human Services and the Senate Committees on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources and Education and Health by December 1, 2025.
Regulation of discharging preproduction plastic; requirements. Requires the Department of Environmental Quality to establish a program to ensure zero discharge or release from point and nonpoint source at certain facilities that discharge to (i) a surface water under a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued by the Department or (ii) a publicly owned treatment works under an industrial pretreatment program permit or other written authorization issued by a local permit control authority and to require the prompt and environmentally responsible containment and cleanup of discharged or released preproduction plastic. The bill requires the Department to adopt and implement certain requirements in order to reduce and control the discharge or release of preproduction plastic from such facilities. The bill allows the Department to exempt a facility from the requirements of the program if a facility satisfies the criteria for a no exposure certification and complies with inspection requirements administered by the Department. The bill also allows the Department to establish additional requirements regarding the regulation of discharges and releases of preproduction plastic from certain facilities into water or onto land in the Commonwealth.
This bill was assigned to the House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources (ACNR) sub: Chesapeake on 1/17/25.
The subcommittee laid this bill on the table on 1/27/25.
Invasive plant species; retail sales. Requires, for the retail sale of certain invasive plant species for outdoor use, a retail establishment to post in a conspicuous manner on the property located in proximity to each invasive plant signage identifying such plant as invasive, educating consumers regarding invasive plant species, and encouraging consumers to ask about alternatives. The bill requires the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services to designate the format, size, and content of such signage no later than October 1, 2025, and requires the Commissioner to issue a stop sale order and mark or tag a plant in a conspicuous manner when an invasive plant is for sale at a retail establishment without appropriate signage. In such case, the bill requires the Commissioner to give written notice of a finding made to the owner, tenant, or person in charge of such retail establishment and requires the stop sale order issued to remain in effect until the required signage is posted.
The Virginia Bird Alliance reported the “annual cost of invasive plant species in the U.S. is estimated to be $35 billion,” according to research from 2022. Virginia should be part of the solution to invasive species; Litter Free Virginia supports this bill.
This bill reported from the House ACNR with substitute language on 1/22/25. It passed the House on 1/28/25.
This bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources on 1/29/25.
HB 1764
Del. Martinez
29th District
SB 794
Sen. Head
3rd District
HB 1618
Del. Clark
84th District
HB 2178
Del. Clark
84th District
HB 1941
Del. Seibold
12th District
Explore legislation we’ve tracked in previous G.A. sessions:
Budget Amendment 362 #1h - Move Forward Effective Date of Polystyrene Container Prohibition. Advances the ban on polystyrene container use from 2028 to 2025 for retail food establishments with 20 or more locations, and from 2030 to 2026 for smaller establishments. Litter Free Virginia supports this amendment.
The amendment was passed. The first phase of the Virginia foam ban goes into effect July 1, 2025.
HJ 35 - Department of Taxation; tax policy options for reforming the litter tax; report. Directs the Department of Taxation, in conjunction with the Department of Environmental Quality, to study tax policy options for reforming the litter tax. Litter Free Virginia supports this resolution.
This bill was referred to the House Committee on Rules, where the Studies Subcommittee continued it to 2025.
HB 33 - Public drinking water; Commissioner of Health’s work group to study occurrence of microplastics. Directs the Commissioner of Health to convene a work group to study the occurrence of microplastics in the Commonwealth’s public drinking water and develop recommendations for the reduction of microplastics in the Commonwealth’s public drinking water. The bill requires the work group to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Committees on ACNR and Health, Welfare and Institutions and the Senate Committees on ACNR and Education and Health by December 1, 2024. Litter Free Virginia supports this bill.
This bill was referred to the House Committee on Rules, where the Studies Subcommittee continued it to 2025.
HB 228 - Virginia Consumer Protection Act; recycling information on products. Prohibits the sale or offering for sale of any product that indicates on the product’s container or packaging that such container or packaging is recyclable unless such container or packaging is made out of a material that is recyclable under a majority of regional and local waste management plans. The bill requires the Virginia Waste Management Board to maintain a list of all materials that are recyclable under a majority of regional and local waste management plans adopted and to make such list available on the Department of Environmental Quality’s website. Litter Free Virginia Supports this bill.
This bill was referred to the House Committee on Labor and Commerce, where it was assigned to Subcommittee #2. It was continued to 2025 in L & C by voice vote.
HB 496 - Waste tire disposal by tire producers and haulers; fee, requirements. Requires a tire producer, as defined in the bill, to (i) dispose of all waste tires to a processing facility or a recycling center through a licensed hauler; (ii) ensure that the waste tires intended to be disposed of are placed in a secure location that is not readily accessible to the public; and (iii) register with the Department of Environmental Quality no later than October 1, 2024, and annually thereafter. The bill expands the purpose of the Waste Tire Trust Fund to include paying the costs of implementing the waste tire disposal requirements of tire haulers. The bill also increases the tire recycling fee from $0.50 to $2.00 beginning July 1, 2024. Litter Free Virginia Supports this bill.
The legislation reported out of the House with amended language. In crossover, the bill was passed by indefinitely by the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations.
HJ 24 / SJ 18 - Dillon Rule; joint subcommittee to study. Study; joint subcommittee; Dillon Rule; report. Creates a 13-member joint subcommittee for a one-year study of the Dillon Rule and its impact on Virginia’s localities. Litter Free Virginia Supports this Resolution.
The bill was referred to the House Rules Committee, where it was assigned to the Studies Subcommittee and was continued to 2025.
HB 316 - Virginia Recycling Development Center; established, report. This bill would establish a Recycling Market Development Fund, a new section of grants from the general fund for recycling. This bill has an important distinction: “Recycled” means a commodity or product that consists in part or whole of recyclable material, except for the purpose of § 10.1-1425.42 recycled does not include fuel, fuel substitute, or fuel additive. This sentence ensures funds from this program are not used to fund plastic to fuel initiatives, allowing Virginia to allocate resources to true cyclical recycling programs. Litter Free Virginia supports this bill.
This bill reported out unanimously from the House Committee on ACNR: Natural Resources Subcommittee. In crossover, the Senate also passed the bill with substitute language. Ultimately, the Senate substitute language was rejected by the House and the bill failed to pass.
HB 1227 - Recycling Infrastructure Improvement Fund; established; report. Establishes the Virginia Recycling Infrastructure Improvement Fund for the purpose of supporting local government recycling programs. The bill requires the Department of Environmental Quality to administer the Fund as a grant program to encourage the establishment of physical infrastructure and equipment necessary to start or improve local government recycling operations. The bill prohibits local governments from discontinuing their recycling programs until after July 1, 2028. Litter Free Virginia supports this bill.
Thisbill was laid on the table in the House Appropriations Subcommittee: Commerce Agriculture & Natural Resources.
SB 260 - Virginia Public Procurement Act; preference for products made or manufactured in Virginia and U.S. Provides preference for a bidder who is a resident of Virginia over a bidder who is a resident of any other state in determining the award for any contract for goods, services, or construction under the Virginia Public Procurement Act. The bill directs the Secretary of Commerce and Trade to convene a stakeholder work group to recommend revisions to the recyclable materials tax credit and report on the work group’s recommendations by November 1, 2024. This bill includes an important carve out for chemical conversion- advanced recycling (pyrolysis, gasification, plastic to fuels) would be classified as recycling if this legislation is approved. Litter Free Virginia supports this bill.
This legislation reported from the Senate Committee on General Laws and Technology, and was printed with substitute language.
Virginia’s Participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) – The Youngkin administration is seeking to withdraw Virginia from this multi-state carbon emissions cap-and-invest program. Read more about RGGI here. There is a public comment period from Jan. 30 – Mar. 31 on the proposed regulation that would enable Virginia’s removal from the initiative. Our partners at SELC have created a one-pager with helpful context and talking points to defend Virginia’s participation in RGGI.
HB 2496 (Delegate Runion of District 25) – Virginia Recycling Development Center; established, report, sunset provision. This bill would establish a Recycling Market Development Fund, a new section of grants from the general fund for “recycling.” In reality, these funds would support the plastics-to-fuel industry in Virginia. This bill was laid on the table in the House Committee on Appropriations.
SB 1365 (Senator Lewis of District 6) – Local regulation of materials recovery facilities. Provides that a locality may not adopt a local ordinance that would prevent or prohibit the disposal of garbage, trash, or refuse at any materials recovery facility as such term is defined in the bill. SB 1365 opposition talking points. This bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources.
HB 1721 (Delegate Clark of District 79) – Commissioner of Health; work group to study the occurrence of microplastics in the Commonwealth; report. Directs the Commissioner of Health to convene a work group to study the occurrence of microplastics in the Commonwealth’s public drinking water. This bill requires the work group to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Committees on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources and Health, Welfare and Institutions and the Senate Committees on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources and Education and Health by December 1, 2023. This bill was left in the House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources.
SB 933 (Senator Edwards of District 21) – Single-use plastic carrier bags; local prohibition. Authorizes a locality to prohibit by ordinance the purchase, sale, or provision, whether free or for a cost, of any single-use plastic carrier bag from grocery stores, retail stores, and convenience stores.
Under this bill, “plastic carrier bags” shall not include the following: i) Durable plastic bags with handles that are specifically designed and manufactured for multiple reuse and that are at least four mils thick; ii) Plastic bags used to carry ice cream, meat, fish, poultry, leftover restaurant food, newspapers, or dry cleaning; iii) Plastic bags used to carry alcoholic beverages or prescription drugs; or iv) Multiple plastic bags sold in packages and intended for use as garbage, pet waste, or leaf removal bags. This bill was defeated in the Senate Committee on Local Government.
HB 1645 (Delegate Anderson of District 83) – Litter tax; penalty for failure to timely pay. This bill would reduce the penalty for late and non-payments of the litter tax from the current penalty of $100 to $10. HB 1645 opposition talking points. The House Committee on Finance: Subcommittee #2 killed this bill as it read; the late payment fee will not be reduced, but we expect to see amended language with the monetary portion removed. This bill was passed in the House and Senate with amended language (the late payment fee will not be reduced, a 30-day notice for taxpayers was added). It now awaits action from the Governor (deadline March 27, 2023).
SB 1012 (Senator Edwards of District 21) – State and local prohibition on single-use plastic and expanded polystyrene products. Prohibits state agencies beginning July 1, 2024, from contracting for the purchase, sale, and distribution of (i) single-use plastic bags, cutlery, straws, or water bottles and (ii) single-use plastic food service containers and expanded polystyrene food service containers, except during a declared state of emergency. This bill directs the Department of General Services to post public notice of all prohibited goods on its public procurement website. This bill also authorizes any locality to prohibit by ordinance the purchase, sale, or provision, whether free or for a cost, of (a) single-use plastic bags, cutlery, straws, or water bottles and (b) single-use plastic food service containers and expanded polystyrene food service containers, with certain exceptions enumerated in the bill. This bill was defeated in the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources.
HB 1370 (Delegate Ware of District 65) – Landfill siting; proximity to private wells. Prohibits the siting of a new municipal solid waste landfill within one mile upgradient (upstream or uphill) of any existing private well. This bill also prohibits the siting of new solid waste landfills within one to three miles upgradient of any existing surface or groundwater public water supply intake or reservoir, unless certain requirements are met. The House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources has laid this bill on the table.
HB 647 (Delegate Carr of District 69)–Packaging Stewardship Program and Fund; Stewardship Advisory Committee; established. Producers that sell products with packaging materials in the Commonwealth pay a fee to the Department based upon the amount of packaging used and whether or not it is easily recyclable. These fees are used to reimburse participating localities for expenses related to recycling, invest in recycling infrastructure and education, and pay administrative costs. This bill does not allow funds to be used for advanced recycling plastic or fossil fuel feedstock .
The House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources has laid this bill on the table.
HB 709 (Delegate Keam of District 35) – Packaging Stewardship Program and Fund; Stewardship Advisory Committee; established. Producers that sell products with packaging materials in the Commonwealth pay a fee to the Department based upon the amount of packaging used and whether or not it is easily recyclable. These fees are used to reimburse participating localities for expenses related to recycling, invest in recycling infrastructure and education, and pay administrative costs. This bill would allow advanced recycling as an option to create plastic and fossil fuel feedstock.
The House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources has laid this bill on the table.
HB 918 (Delegate Lopez of District 49) – Producers that sell products with packaging materials in the Commonwealth pay a fee to the Department based upon the amount of packaging used and whether or not it is easily recyclable. These fees are used to reimburse participating localities for expenses related to recycling, invest in recycling infrastructure and education, and pay administrative costs. This bill would allow advanced recycling as an option to create plastic and fossil fuel feedstock.
The House Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources has laid this bill on the table.
HB 826 (Delegate Hope of District 47) – Beverage container deposit and redemption program; established; civil and criminal penalties. Establishes a beverage container deposit, refund, and redemption program involving distributors, retailers, and consumers. The program would be run by a Producer Responsibility Organization under the Department of Environmental Quality. The bill creates an advisory committee, requires reporting, and imposes civil and criminal penalties for violation.
SB 1164 (Senator Emmett Hanger, Jr. of District of District 24) – Advanced recycling; not considered solid waste management; definition. Defines “advanced recycling” as a manufacturing process for the conversion of post-use polymers and recovered feedstocks into basic hydrocarbon raw materials and other materials. The bill provides that advanced recycling shall not be considered solid waste management. The bill also defines “gasification,” “post-use polymer,” and other terms related to advanced recycling. SB 1164 opposition talking points.
This bill has passed the House and Senate.
SB 1319 (Senator Ghazala F. Hashmi of District 10) – Requests the Department of Environmental Quality to continue and expand the scope and membership of the Waste Diversion and Recycling Task Force. This task force is studying available options to divert waste from landfills including composting and baseline recyclables.
This bill has passed the House and Senate.
HB 2173 (Delegate Ken Plum of District 36) – Defines “advanced recycling” as a manufacturing process for the conversion of post-use polymers and recovered feedstocks into basic hydrocarbon raw materials and other materials. The bill also defines “gasification,” “post-use polymer,” and other terms related to advanced recycling. HB 2173 opposition talking points.
This bill has been stricken from the docket!
HB 1902 (Delegate Betsy Carr of District 69) – Expanded polystyrene food service containers; prohibition; civil penalty. Prohibits the dispensing by a food vendor of prepared food to a customer in a single-use expanded polystyrene food service container, as defined in the bill. The bill requires certain chain restaurants to stop using such containers by July 1, 2023, and sets the date for compliance by all food vendors as July 1, 2025. The bill exempts nonprofit organizations from the definition of “food vendor” and provides a process by which a locality may grant consecutive one-year exemptions to individual food vendors on the basis of undue economic hardship. The bill provides a civil penalty of not more than $50 for each day of violation, to be collected in a civil action brought by the Attorney General or the relevant locality. The penalties collected are to be deposited in the Litter Control and Recycling Fund or to the treasury of the relevant locality, as appropriate. A portion of the penalties deposited in the Fund are to be used for public information campaigns to discourage the sale and use of expanded polystyrene products. Finally, the bill directs the Department of Environmental Quality to post to its website information on compliance and the filing of complaints. This bill is a reenactment of Chapter 1104 of the Acts of Assembly of 2020.
HB 2159 (Delegate Nancy Guy of District 83) – Release of balloon prohibited; civil penalty. Prohibits any individual 13 years of age or older or other person, including a corporation, from intentionally releasing, discarding, or causing to be released or discarded any nonbiodegradable balloon outdoors and provides that any person convicted of such violation is liable for a civil penalty of $25 per balloon, to be paid into the Game Protection Fund. Current law prohibits a person from knowingly releasing 50 or more such balloons within an hour and sets the civil penalty at $5 per balloon, with the proceeds deposited into the Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Endowment Fund.
This bill has passed the House and Senate!
HB 1801 (Delegate James E. Edmunds II of District 60) – Disposing of litter; penalty. Increases the minimum fine for dumping or disposing of litter, trash, or other unsightly matter on public or private property from $250 to $500.
This bill has passed the House and Senate.